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Stanford Welcomes

In service to Stanford, parent volunteers help welcome families at New Student Orientation, ​Family Weekend, and Admit Weekend.

Balloons over the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center at Stanford University

Cardinal Quad

Cardinal Quad is Stanford's platform for connecting newly admitted students with the Stanford community and each other. On behalf of Stanford's Admissions office, our volunteers serve as moderators and answer questions posted on Cardinal Quad.


Admit Weekend

Our parent ambassadors welcome prospective freshman parents and answer questions. We man Welcome and Merchandise tables, hold Welcome Socials, and provide Stanford with panelist for the Parent Panel.

Welcome to Stanford

Welcome Zoom Events

The Parents' Club hosts Welcome Zoom Events in July and August for parents of incoming freshman and transfer students. Experienced club members answer burning questions our new families have about sending their students off to The Farm. Parent moderators lead break out groups to give new families a chance to meet each other and ask questions in a small group setting, fostering parent-to-parent discussions.

Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University

Fall Welcome Calls

On behalf of Stanford's Parent and Family Engagement (PAFE) office, we call incoming parents to welcome them to the Stanford family and answer any questions they have about the University and the move-in process.

Stanford Hoover Institution

Family Weekend

Join the Stanford Office of Special Events & Protocal and the Parents’ Club in welcoming thousands of parents and family members to campus during Family Weekend. Volunteers assist with way-finding, answering questions, and staffing a Parents' Club welcome table, chat corner, and selling Stanford branded merchandise. Volunteering is a great way to meet other parents, provide service to the University, and be a part of the fun and collegial atmosphere. Parents are invited to a Club Social held after Family Weekend activities conclude.

Placeholder - The Stanford Office of Special Events & Protocol invites members of the Parents' Club to volunteer for Family Weekend. Stanford will welcome parents and families to campus for an in-person visit to share with their student. We encourage parents to attend this fun event. Parents' Club will have a Welcome Table, Chat Corner, and Merchandise Table during the event.

Join Stanford and the Parents’ Club in welcoming thousands of parents and family members to campus during Family Weekend. Volunteers assist with way-finding, answering questions, and staffing a Parents' Club welcome table, chat corner, and selling Stanford branded merchandise. Volunteering is a great way to meet other parents, provide service to the University, and be a part of the fun and collegial atmosphere.

Stanford Parents' Club Welcome Table

International Student Orientation (ISO) & New Student Orientation (NSO)

At our Welcome Tables, club volunteers help new parents feel welcomed, answer parent questions, share their personal stories about their Stanford student's experiences, and put families at ease as they said goodbye. The Club also hosts a Merchandise Table featuring Stanford parent and grandparent themed apparel and gear. After parents say goodbye to their student, they are welcome to join us for an NSO After-Party.

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